KL Support

Regular price $52.95

Coupling a unique blend of natural ingredients (including NAC, milk thistle, parsley gynostemma, collinsonia root, beetroot and marshmallow root) with our powerful BioActive Carbons, this product supports and promotes healthy kidney and liver function. As an integral part of the body’s cleansing and filtering system, proper kidney function is essential to any detox protocol.

Product Overview

KL Support is a BioActive Carbon product that focuses on drainage and immune support throughout the kidney and liver.

Utilizing a unique blend of natural ingredients (including NAC, milk thistle, parsley gynostemma, collinsonia root, beetroot and marshmallow root), this product supports and promotes healthy kidney and liver function. As an integral part of the body’s cleansing and filtering system, proper kidney function is essential to any detox protocol.

Multiple studies have shown that parsley gynostemma promotes antioxidant production, helping aid in heavy metal detoxification. Additionally, it assists the liver by modulating fat metabolism, and protects and improves kidney function by decreasing blood fats.

Collinsonia root supports urinary tract symptoms, including bladder pain. The betaine in beet root may help prevent or reduce fatty deposits in the liver and may also help protect the liver from toxin buildup. Studies indicate that marshmallow root has diuretic properties, and anti-inflammatory and antibacterial characteristics, specifically in the urinary tract.

Our BioActive Carbon complex helps to bind to toxins that are removed, allowing your body to flush them out. As with all BioActive Carbon products, you can take KL Support with or without food. Simply add it in earlier in the day and later in the day for best results.


An essential supplement, NAC works to replenish the antioxidant glutathione in the system. It has multiple benefits to the kidneys (certain types of nephropathy), lungs, and for loosening and removing mucus buildup in the body.

Traditionally used to counteract elements of liver disease and promote overall hepatic wellness.

This root has been shown to have antibacterial properties in the gut, and to repair the small junctions in the intestine. Additionally, it has natural diuretic properties and has shown promise as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Also known as Jiaogulan, this adaptogenic herb has been shown to be useful in promoting metabolic activity and digestive and cardiovascular health.

This ingredient has been used for centuries to support kidney function and soothe hepatic irritation. It has been shown to promote capillary circulation within the organs as well.

Rich in manganese and folate, Beetroot promotes cardiovascular health and has antioxidants. Additional preliminary research has shown potential in promoting oxygenation to the brain and in lowering glucose levels while increasing insulin sensitivity in the body.

This herb is rich in antioxidants, and has been used for centuries as a support for kidney stones and urinary infections. Parsley contains flavonoids that are particularly useful in heavy metal detox efforts.

Dosing Instructions


Take one capsule three times daily or as otherwise directed by a healthcare practitioner.


Take two capsules twice daily.


Reduce dosage to one capsule once daily.

Toddler Under 50 lbs.

Take one-half capsule once daily.

Child Between 50 - 125 lbs

Take one-half capsule twice daily.