Magnesium Ease Spray

Regular price $29.00

Ease is the most efficient magnesium delivery system available. It contains the most readily absorbed form of magnesium in existence. Ease is sprayed onto the skin for immediate absorption without digestive upset.
Each spray contains approximately 25 mg of magnesium to completely restore healthy magnesium levels and aid in calcium absorption.
Ease goes to work in under 90 seconds, giving you powerful and fast relief from muscle/joint pain, stress and metabolic issues. Over time, low magnesium levels (something over half the population suffers from) can be completely eliminated, which will have substantial long-term health benefits for your health.
Ease has over 50 health benefits and supports over 600 functions in the human body. It also addresses a growing health problem in our society – not enough magnesium in our diets. No matter who you are, you will have your life improved by this product.


★ 100% all-natural magnesium solution sourced from the Dead Sea
★ Magnesium is one of the main minerals you need to replenish after exercise 
 Promotes muscle health, de-stresses your brain, and helps you see faster results
★ Safe for children, adults, and even pets


Why Should You Spray Ease On Your Skin After You Exercise?
Magnesium Depletion. Your body uses magnesium fast when you are exercising; whether you are lifting, running, riding your bike or just out for a walk. Magnesium should be part of every athlete’s recovery process.
Your muscles’ ability to function and heal is highly dependent on how much magnesium your body is getting...
You need magnesium to properly metabolize what you eat and turn it into energy for your muscles.
Magnesium activates digestive enzymes which are needed to break down your food and properly digest. 
If you’re not getting enough magnesium, 
it can result in low energy levels and problems with muscle function.
Other things affected by magnesium include:
  • Nerve function
  • Heart health
  • Blood pressure 
  • Hormones
  • Bone health
  • Appetite
  • Synthesis of proteins, fats, and nucleic acids
More Benefits of Ease: 


✔︎ Pain — 90 seconds and your pain disappears. Magnesium is one of 18 minerals that play a major role in your joint and muscle health. How does it soothe stiff painful joints and muscles? That’s thanks to its ability to reduce swelling and boost your natural healing timeline.
✔︎ Stiffness — Magnesium is responsible for keeping your muscles and joints limber and flexible. Magnesium fights lactic acid build-up, which causes your muscles to become tight and sore. It also fights calcium build-up, which causes joints to become stiff and immobile.
✔︎ Stress — Magnesium has a calming effect on the mind and body. Studies show it’s an effective natural remedy that you can use to reduce feelings of stress quickly. Working with your nervous system, this mineral (that each bottle of Ease supplies you with) lowers stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. On the flip side, magnesium deficiency (not getting enough of this mineral) is linked to spikes in these hormones.
✔︎ Balance — Magnesium balances the calcium you get from food and water. Magnesium and calcium need to be balanced. If they’re not, your body moves into a state of over calcification. Over calcification lurks behind a lot of unnecessary health problems. 
✔︎ Metabolism — Magnesium can help you get more quality sleep. Research shows that getting more sleep can help you curb your appetite, especially for empty carbohydrates. 
Do I need Ease?
The short answer is that most Americans are very low in magnesium. Ease can help you make sure you’re not one of them. 


1. Simple Ingredients 
Ease is a natural solution of pure water and magnesium chloride hexahydrate — sourced from the Dead Sea — known as iMCH. There are no synthetic additives or preservatives like those you’d find in most rock-derived magnesium formulations.


2. Safer Absorption
Magnesium pills and powders can be taxing on your digestive system. Some people have trouble taking oral magnesium and experience diarrhea. Unlike oral Magnesium (pills and powders). Magnesium spray does not cause this problem. 


3. Better Absorption Than Pills/Powders
Your skin absorbs the magnesium better than your gut. A growing body of research shows that magnesium sprays applied to your skin work far better than oral supplements. Ease is a safe, side-effect-free way to get more magnesium daily and fight things like bad sleep, stress, and stiffness. It’s a 100% pure product that contains only 2 ingredients.


4. Magnesium From The Dead Sea
This is the same magnesium you’ll find in the Dead Sea and it has been on Earth since its creation. It is 100% natural, purified and healthy. The Dead Sea is visited daily by people around the world wanting to soak in its concentrated, mystical (some would even say sacred), magnesium-filled water. 
The magnesium in Ease is the same you’ll find in that special body of water, except for one IMPORTANT difference — the magnesium we use has gone through extensive purification processes. It’s completely free of all pollutants, heavy metals, toxins and even other minerals. The raw magnesium we use is so pure it qualifies as ‘pharmaceutical grade’ magnesium.


Spray Ease on after a workout, after a shower, or anytime you’re feeling stiff, sore, or stressed. 
Your skin soaks it up within 90 seconds and the magnesium does the rest.
Remember, the powerful magnesium in Ease alleviates... 
  • Joint pain
  • Muscle aches
  • Cramping
  • Stiffness
  • Stress
  • Restlessness 
All within seconds! 
And it does it all naturally using the mineral that nature has made available to our bodies for these problems. 
Most importantly, spraying your body with Ease just a few times a day will help restore your body’s magnesium levels (the root cause of many health problems). 
Your body really does rely on this mineral for so many functions and if you are experiencing pain during or after exercise, stress throughout the day, or are having trouble losing weight, chances are you are not getting enough magnesium.




“I was doing some brush burning on our property yesterday. 
Wow was I tired and had a sore back after a couple of hours of that. Normal outcome. But now I have been using Ease for a month or so. I took a bath, got a good spray of Ease on my sore back. 
Woke up today with no sore muscles. At age 69, female and 5 feet, I am always over-exerting myself. Soooo happy to have this great product. 
I have shared samples with friends and family, they all find it very helpful. Thank you Activation!!”
— DiAnne C.


“This is a wonderful product and we use it for many things such as pain in muscle and just plain feeling good.”
— Cathy M.


— Linda M.


“I have lots of lower backaches and muscle soreness. After working out, I just spray this on and it really does heal it. I wake up to morning neck aches because of my awful pillows, but when I spray this on, all the pain goes away. Love this product!!”
— Larry M.


"Years ago I suffered from extreme pain and sleep deprivation caused from my right hip.
The first night I used EASE I experienced dreams for the first time in years. I am 73 years old and a golfer. I was ready to give it up because of the pain I had each time I played.
That has also gone away! I talk about EASE to anyone who will listen and know of several people who are using it because of my enthusiasm. Thank you!”
— Nick B.


  • 100% pharmaceutical-grade magnesium from the Dead sea
  • Safe for children, adults and dogs
  • Magnesium improves your muscle health and encourages better metabolism and cardiovascular health
  • Magnesium helps cramps disappear, muscles relax and joint pain fade
  • Within 90 seconds, it goes to work where you need it most