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start your journey to better health.
excess sugars (glucose & fructose) into mannitol, a
free radical scavenger that is naturally eliminated.
Experience a positive metabolic shift.
Heads-off inflammation and other complications by
altering sugar metabolism. -
Improves bowel regularity. Provides relief of both
diarrhea and constipation. -
Decreases sugar and carb cravings often leading to
weight loss. - Boosts energy and lessens fatigue
- Restores overall digestive health
Improves glucose metabolism by reducing levels of
blood glucose.
Bacillus subtilis (DE111® by Deerland ) enhances immune function and pathogen control, helps regulate with both diarrhea and constipation by maintaining gastrointestinal health. Increases muscle mass and reduces body fat.
Bifidobacterium bifidum interacts with immune system by producing a variety of molecules that act as essential communicators with the immune cells in the mucosal lining of the gut. It also stimulates growth of other commensal bacteria that produce butyrate to support the gut lining.
Bifidobacterium longum protects against pathogens, modulates the immune system, and provides essential nutrients through the digestion of resistant carbohydrates. It may also dampen the effects associated with periods of acute stress. It produces metabolites that are key to a healthy gut, reduces oxidative stress, and stimulates the sleep centers of the brain.
Lactobacillus plantarum (TBC LP-36™) Breaks down acetaldehyde which can damage membranes and produces butyrate which protects the gut barrier. It is effective in controlling pathogens, by producing potent antimicrobial peptides. Our strain is unique in its ability to degrade glyphosate to carbon, phosphate and water and sequesters and removes heavy metals such as aluminum.
Lactobacillus reuteri (PCR07) makes antimicrobial substances, converts glucose to mannitol and may reduce the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. L. reuteri is also associated with increased production of oxytocin, the love hormone and accelerated wound healing.
Leuconostoc mesenteroides (TBC LM-37™) converts glucose and fructose into mannitol, a powerful free radical scavenger. It produces anti-inflammatory substances, protects the gut lining, and makes vitamin B12. B12 production of DNA, melatonin, and red and white blood cells. White blood cells are critical for a healthy immune system and melatonin.
Pediococcus acidilactici (TBC PA-68™) primarily controls pathogens, by producing the bacteriocin pediocin A, known to have anti-viral and anti-listerial properties. It also may prevent inflammatory compounds from crossing the gut lining.